7 Actionable Tips For Employee Well-Being To Boost Engagement And Productivity
July 19, 2022/ Pause Factory / Emotional Intelligence, People Management, Performance Management / 0 comments
Authored by Forbes Coaches Council
A growing number of U.S. businesses are shifting focus from employee wellness programs to well-being initiatives — more comprehensive health and productivity programs that tackle elements such as the workforce’s emotional and mental health, social connectivity, financial education, sense of fulfillment on the job, and many other aspects. Workplace health and well-being programs not only have a positive impact on your employees’ wellness, they can also lead to a significant increase in your team’s engagement, cohesiveness and overall productivity. According to research, a healthy and happy workforce can reduce costs by more than $1,600 per employee, with reduced leave days caused by disability or unplanned sickness.

1. Mindfulness Training
Mindfulness training is a great tool to help your employees relieve stress and feel balanced, but also increase productivity and focus on their day-to-day work. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, breathing, and yoga help employees be more present as well as enhance their efficiency. At the end of the day, implementing a mindfulness program is a win-win for both the employee and the company. – Monica Thakrar, MTI
2. New/Working Parent Career Coaching
The challenges that dual career families face are becoming increasingly complex. Globalization and 24/7 technology take a toll on work-life balance. Companies that invest in new/working parent career coachingservices, such as those offered by Life Meets Work, demonstrate a commitment to helping people integrate work and life in ways that can be fulfilling both at work and at home. – Jill Hauwiller, Leadership Refinery
3. Financial Education
I would say a great employee wellbeing initiative is financial education that is based on different stages of one’s life and career, as well as common situations that are faced at those stages. Money can be a huge burden that isn’t fully addressed beyond retirement planning. – Mike Ambassador Bruny, No More Reasonable Doubt
4. Emotional Intelligence Developmental Training
It’s not enough to simply “discuss” emotional intelligence concepts to develop a mindfulness culture in the workplace. Strive to engage employees’ desire to elevate their “ EQ ” or emotional quotient by offering lunch-and-learn courses teaching practical exercises designed to enhance this muscle within. Superior EQ will heighten employee performance and increase productivity, all while reducing stress. – Rachel Lourdes Mestre, Rachel Mestre LLC
5. Snooze-Friendly Policies
Sleep is very important for employee well-being and productivity. Lack of sleep among the U.S. workforce costs the nation’s economy as much as $1 billion a year. Even a short 20-minute power nap can boost alertness, improve employee performance and contribute to the company’s overall growth. A nap could be the answer to success or performance flop. – Parul Agrawal, Viva La Coach
6. On-The-Hour Flash Walk
Implementing an “on-the-hour flash walk” in the office is a fabulous way to stimulate creativity through movement. It provides both physical and psychological benefits to all who participate and may decrease healthcare costs in the long run for the company. A “flash walk” generates collective positive energy moving forward, to combat the strain of sitting or standing for extending periods of time. – Kris McCrea Scrutchfield, McCrea Coaching
7. A Gratitude Practice
Gratitude in action. I have found that this practice yields a high level of awareness that may not have existed prior. Following awareness, actions begin to align with desired outcomes. The result is that gratitude turns into personal accountability. Move it into action so others can experience it, and organizationally, both mental and physical wellness are positively impacted. – Alexsys “Lexy” Thompson, Trybal Performance Kindly drop your comment after reading.