Nigeria Needs Executive Women Life Coaches Who are Emotionally Intelligent as Leaders
September 6, 2022/ Pause Factory / Emotional Intelligence / 0 comments
The World Needs Thriving Women Leaders
“I’m not afraid to be human anymore; I’m less afraid to be vulnerable.”
“It worked! I’m accomplishing more and feeling less exhausted. Finding my Noble Goal has unlocked my intrinsic motivation.”
The women came together with a common goal of building their careers…
But they ended up finding so much more.
A small group of female L&D professionals in Peru came together with a common goal: Expand their professional toolkit by becoming certified to administer the SEI, an emotional intelligence assessment used by over 250,000 people worldwide. In their work as executive life coaches and organizational consultants, they wanted the SEI to take their practice to the next level.
The experience they ended up having, however, was much, much bigger.
They learned the secret that great leaders have known for centuries: Making effective change starts from the inside. They had to start with themselves to teach others about measuring and improving their performance and goals. Over a 6-month period, each of the women experienced a radical shift in both their own emotional intelligence and their life outcomes – like relationships, effectiveness and quality of life – that are driven by EQ. Now, they are going out into the world to empower others with what they’ve learned.
“I don’t feel intimidated to discuss important issues at my workplace anymore. I feel more empowered than ever.”
The world needs empowered women’s leadership. The world needs women who share their opinions, take up space in a room, and help others thrive. This group of women are the future of women’s leadership. And it all started with emotional intelligence.
It All Started With A Training…
Each of the women signed up for the EQ Certification, a 4-day full immersion on Six Seconds’ philosophy, methodology and tools. In the end, upon becoming certified, they would be able to administer the SEI and debrief clients on the results.
As a precursor to the live course, each of the women took the SEI and had a 1-on-1 debrief of their SEI results. The purpose was to experience the SEI for themselves and identify both their strengths and the areas where they needed to grow their abilities to improve personal or professional outcomes. Each participant also worked on their SEI360 as part of their certification process. 360 allow them to broaden the conversation on how they were perceived by others. It was powerful feedback that supported “why” they needed to walk the talk first.
These assessments, according to Fiorella, marked a turning point in the group’s focus: “I think they were expecting to see and review their EQ results just peripherally and not really use them as part of their certification process, but one of our core beliefs at Six Seconds is that change starts from within. To teach others how to practice emotional intelligence, you have to practice it yourself.”
So the women identified their strengths and challenges and began a process of self-transformation, and they realized they wanted more.
After attending the EQ Assessor course in November 2017, they participated in a series of 4 group coaching calls intended to gain further insight into how to to best use these EQ tools in their personal lives and professional practice.
At the end of the 6-month process, the data from their post-assessments showed remarkable growth – and the women reported feeling more intentional, more purposeful, and more empowered to get the results they want at home and at work.
Let’s take a look at the four life outcomes that were measured pre-and post- coaching:
- Do you feel like you get done what you want to get done?
- Do you feel connected?
- Do you have people you can rely on in your life?
- Do you have optimal energy + health?
- Do you feel like you have a good life?
- Do you enjoy it?
Extensive research has found that over 55% of the variation in these Life Outcome scores is predicted by emotional intelligence scores. Unsurprisingly, considering the jump in their overall EQ scores, the women experienced big increases in their life outcomes, including an average increase of 22.7% on Quality of Life. Check out the pre and post comparison of the Life Outcomes:

On average, the women experienced an average increase of 21.5% in overall EQ scores over the 6-month period. This overall EQ score is an aggregate of their scores on the 8 competencies of the Six Seconds Model of EQ. Check out the women’s pre and post assessment results on these 8 competencies:

Even more powerful than the data are the women’s own words about their transformational process:
“Through this process, I learned to navigate my emotions instead of rushing through them, which has allowed me to create more meaningful connections with my family, friends and clients.”
“An invaluable opportunity to look below the surface, into my patterns, and understand how they impact the results I get.”
“I learned to understand the powerful messages of my emotions, and to leverage them to energize and inspire others.”