
Stop Worrying and Start Living! Practical Tips to Help You Deal with Anxiety

Anxiety, often triggered by self-doubt, continuous negative thoughts, and negative self-talk, is a growing concern worldwide. When faced with uncertainty and a sense of powerlessness, our bodies release chemicals that heighten anxiety. This blog aims to offer practical tips to help you manage and reduce anxiety in your daily life.

Welcome to a New Episode

Hello readers, In this blog, I’ll be addressing a topic that’s affecting millions of people worldwide: anxiety. If you’re feeling anxious in any area of your life, this is for you. Make sure to practice every tip shared here to help you live a more satisfying life.

Understanding Anxiety

People experience anxiety for numerous reasons, but it is often triggered by negative thoughts and worries about current situations or future events. Other factors include drugs, mental disorders, genetics, and life experiences. Today, we’ll focus on anxiety caused by situations, environments, events, and life experiences.

Life Experiences and Situations

Life experiences that can trigger anxiety include:

  • Giving birth
  • Taking an exam
  • Starting a new job
  • Relocating
  • Meeting new people
  • Having new responsibilities at work

These situations can create continuous worry and negative thoughts, leading to anxiety.

Social Media and Expectations

Social media heightens expectations as we compare our lives with others. High parental and societal pressures can lead to overworking and constant worry about meeting expectations, further fueling anxiety.

Environmental Factors

Living in high-stress environments, such as noisy or crime-ridden areas, or enduring long commutes in heavy traffic, can also contribute to anxiety.

Managing Anxiety: Practical Tips

1. Calm Down

Whenever you feel anxious or fearful, remember it’s due to a sense of uncertainty and powerlessness. The first step is to calm down. Take a moment to chill and pause. There’s a Yoruba proverb that says, “There’s nothing coming from the sky that the ground cannot take,” meaning you can manage whatever is happening.

2. Preparedness

Being prepared for new situations can significantly reduce anxiety. For instance, before my wife and I had our first child, we watched numerous videos on childbirth, which helped us feel confident and prepared. If you’re already in a new situation and feeling anxious, take a step back and ask yourself what you are uncertain about. Gaining clarity will reduce anxiety.

3. Create a Routine

Clarity about your daily actions can significantly reduce anxiety. Establishing a routine helps you manage expectations and track your progress. For example, if you’re overwhelmed at a new job, create a daily routine to meet new colleagues and learn about the work culture gradually. This approach provides a sense of certainty, reducing anxiety.

4. Manage Expectations

While it’s essential to aim high, always stay grounded in reality. Flexibility and adaptation are key. Observe reality and be ready to adjust your plans as needed. Breaking down big goals into smaller, manageable tasks can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

5. Take Care of Your Body

Regular exercise releases hormones that keep your mind healthy. Ensure you get enough rest and indulge in activities that help you relax, such as dancing or getting a massage. A healthy body supports a healthy mind.

6. Practice Imagination and Affirmation

Regularly visualize positive outcomes and affirm your capabilities. This practice helps shift your focus from what might go wrong to what can go right.

7. Practice Gratitude

Focus on what’s working well in your life. Practicing gratitude can shift your perspective and reduce feelings of anxiety. Celebrate every little progress and acknowledge your achievements.

8. Seek Support

If you find it challenging to manage anxiety on your own, seek support from a life coach, therapist, or psychologist. They can provide guidance and techniques to help you manage anxiety effectively.


Anxiety is managed by your thoughts and actions. While it won’t disappear overnight, you can learn to control it by practicing the tips shared here. Remember, life is a journey, not a destination. By managing your anxiety, you can live a good and satisfying life every day


Authored by Enahoro Okhae; CEO Pause Factory

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