September 24, 2021 / by Pause Factory Admin / Emotional Intelligence, People Management, Personal Development / 0 comments
The best benefit of effective coaching is improved employee engagement. The pillar of every successful business is happy employees, and effective coaching is a crucial ingredient to satisfied employees. Effective coaching leads to improved performance, knowledge transfer, skill improvement, and employee retention. Here are some statistics on the impact of excellent coaching: 77 percent of […]
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Coaching Employees For Success
September 24, 2021 / by Pause Factory Admin / Emotional Intelligence, People Management, Personal Development / 0 comments
The best benefit of effective coaching is improved employee engagement. The pillar of every successful business is happy employees, and effective coaching is a crucial ingredient to satisfied employees. Effective coaching leads to improved performance, knowledge transfer, skill improvement, and employee retention. Here are some statistics on the impact of excellent coaching: 77 percent of […]
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How Emotional intelligence can helps you engage the new generation of worker
September 12, 2021 / by Pause Factory Admin / Emotional Intelligence, People Management / 0 comments
Emotional intelligence is one of the trendiest concepts in modern business – but what are the practical benefits of building it into company culture? How is the culture of emotional intelligence shaping the corporate world? In the western world, and particularly in the world of business, people tend to insist on the separation of knowing […]
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Enhancing Wellbeing in Business: How UBalancer Solutions Supports Leaders in Volatile Time
September 5, 2021 / by Pause Factory Admin / Emotional Intelligence / 0 comments
Why is creating a sense of wellbeing at work such a rare commodity in the business world? What is being done to build it into company culture? Can coaching help executives and business leaders foster wellbeing with employees, even in times of stress and rapid change? Let’s learn from our network and see EQ coaching […]
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Emotional Intelligence as a Tool For Taking Your Business to the Next Level
August 24, 2021 / by Pause Factory Admin / Emotional Intelligence / 0 comments
Emotional Intelligence is the magic wand for your business. If you’re passionate about starting a business that will be highly successful, or trying hard to take your existing business to the next level, then you have to read this. Various works of research have shown that we need more than knowledge or high Intelligence Quotient […]
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Are you emotionally intelligent in the workplace?
August 11, 2021 / by Pause Factory Admin / Emotional Intelligence / 0 comments
Emotional intelligence is not just your ability to be aware of your own emotions. It also relates to how effective you are at controlling and expressing emotion to others on the job. It involves being able to understand how other people at work feel so you can use that insight to interact with them more […]
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