What is not measured cannot be managed, what is not managed cannot
grow and what does not grow remains stagnant or die.
…Enahoro Okhae

Performance Management is a holistic system that helps to improve employee’s performance and eventually improve the overall performance and profitability of an organization.
By providing you with the right tools and techniques, we have the expertise to establish a Performance Culture in your organization from Strategy Formulation through to Performance Measurement and the usage of Performance Data for effective decision making.


We will offer training and assisted deployment of a complete usable and sentiment-free Performance
Management System uniquely designed to meet your specific Performance Management Goals.

We will offer unique customized templates for you to continuously work with and perform periodic checks to ensure conformity.

We will help establish a robust Balance Score Card and select the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which today is the biggest challenge in Performance Management worldwide.

We will audit your Performance Management system to identify the core areas of challenge.

We will identify and remove the weak links causing waste and poor performance in your system.

Our services include:

  • Strategy Development
  • Strategic Objective
  • Strategy Map
  • Structure Redesign
  • Balance Score Card
  • Key Performance Indicator
  • Job Description Redesign
  • Appraisal System Design
  • Monitoring Tools
  • PM System Outsourcing

After all said and done, the performance management system of an organizations houses everything the organization requires to succeed. Between strategy to execution, there are several touch points that determines the overall result. At Pause Factory, we sustain expertise to establish and maintain a potent performance management system which ultimately will lead to improved performance and profitability for your organization… CLICK TO READ MORE

Our Approach to represent Our Flow

Engage : At Pause Factory, we believe in Engaging the Leader /Organization through our status revealing leadership assessments to get key data is the first step to leadership development

Activate: Next step is to activate a customized leadership program designed from the result derived from the engage stage

Reflect: This is a process of identifying the gains, learning from the process, seeing what works, recognizing return on investment return

To establish a potent performance management system in your organization, please send a mail to ask@pausefactory.org | call 08096303933 or use the inquiry form below

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