…unveiling the step by step process of selling professionally
Every individual and in aggregate organization exists to sell something, whether for profit or not for profit; and the success of any organization is totally dependent on how much is being sold per time.
The dynamics of getting your offering known, gaining acceptance to the level of exchange and retaining the existing relationship is a continuous learning process irrespective of your present selling status. The “Sales Wall” is real; how you maneuver around it determine whether “you are selling or you are being sold”. This training has been designed to meet your selling needs at any level. It is designed to be practical and hands-on with exercises and role plays, simulations, personality assessment, etc.
Sales people at any level, the facilitation will be deployed to fit the different levels of participants available
₦ #### Call or Chat +2348096303933 or send a mail to ask@pausefactory.org
3 Days
Modules can be adjusted to fit your specific training need and timing
After this course, participants will be able to:
The Seller Personality Analysis